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Free offers | Parental counselling as part of the "Mutter-Kind-Pass" ("Elternberatung")

General information

Parental counselling ("Elternberatung") on the subject of “Reconciling family and career” is a relatively new, voluntary service in the "Mutter-Kind-Pass". (You can also take advantage of this if you still have a Mutter-Kind-Pass without the corresponding form). This 50-minute consultation is available during pregnancy and in the first year of the child's life and can be taken up a total of three times.

You can find out about:

  • financial benefits around the birth: maternity allowance ("Wochengeld"), childcare allowance ("Kinderbetreuungsgeld"),...
  • sharing parental leave between partners, parental leave models, paternity leave ("Papamonat"), part-time parental leave ("Elternteilzeit")
  • returning to work, pension splitting, further education and training opportunities
  • parenting, education, conflict resolution
  • ...

We also offer group consultations/lectures on these issues, more information can be found here (German)


Please make an appointment by telephone at the Hebammenzentrum
under 01/408 80 22

You can find our reception hours here


Free of charge, we are happy about a donation!

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